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Overview 👩🏻‍💻

Shop smarter, not harder. Fresh Cart simplifies grocery shopping with personalized recipes, one-tap reordering, and smart lists that adapt to your habits. Say goodbye to grocery stress and enjoy a new level of convenience.

Problems to Tackle 🔍


Reordering Frustrations

Users need a quicker way to reorder frequently purchased items.


Limited Recipe Integration

Current lists don’t adapt to user habits, dietary preferences, or store layouts.


Inefficient Shopping Lists

Lack of in-app recipes makes it challenging for users to find meal ideas that align with their grocery lists.

User Feedback & Preferences📝

Based on user surveys, this section highlights the features users feel would make their shopping experience smoother and more convenient.

"I’d love recipes that show different ways to cook the items I’m buying."

"A smart shopping list that updates itself would be a game-changer."

"I need my shopping list to reflect my most-purchased items automatically."

Survey results


Quick Reordering:

One-tap reorder for frequently bought items.

Proposed Solutions 🎯


Recipe Suggestions:

Cooking ideas tailored to the products users buy most often and their dietary preferences.


Smart Shopping Lists:

Lists auto-populate with commonly purchased items, sorted by dietary needs or frequency.

User Flow 🙌🏼

User Flow

Final Designs ✨

Final Designs ✨

Final Designs

Outcome 🙌🏼

Fresh Cart made grocery shopping more efficient and personalized. Users praised the time-saving features.

Thank You

Thank you for checking out this case study. I hope it shows how a practical, user-centered approach can make everyday shopping simpler and more efficient.

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